Monday, February 7, 2011

New look Quebec Senior Lacrosse League

With both the Caughnawaga Indians and the Valleyfield Dinomytes out of the Quebec Senior Lacrosse League for the 2011 season lacrosse fans will see a lot of changes this summer. The QSLL was looking like it was going to be a three-team league, however, a fourth team was unofficially added to the league at the first league meeting of the year on Tuesday night.
The fourth team in the league will be a second Kahnawake team, whose name and official colours will be announced a later date. The team will be owned by the same ownership group as the Kahnawake Mohawks, headed by Peter Paul.
Paul explained that although the two teams will have the same ownership, they will be two separate teams each with their own management and coaching staff. He did say that they would have a shared training camp and share some practice time over the season. But he reiterated that they would be two separate teams that are going to be competitive.
The departure of the Indians and the Dinomytes from the league left some questions about this coming season. The Dinomytes players have been put in a dispersal draft and have been picked up by the other teams in the league. While it was agreed at an earlier meeting that the Indians players would not be dispersed and would be allowed to go to the Iroquois Lacrosse Association with the Caughnawaga Indians, if they so choose – once the interprovincial transfer process begins on March 2. If Indians players choose not to go to the ILA then they become free agents in the QSLL, free to sign with any team in the league.
Paul said it was decided that they would ad another team to the league to keep competition competitive – rather than playing in a three-team league. He also said that anyone from Kahnawake who wants to play lacrosse will get to play this summer, as there are plenty of roster spots available with these two teams.
It is still not known if the QSLL and the ILA will be playing an interlocking schedule again this season as ILA representatives were not at Tuesday’s meeting. The QSLL has given the ILA until March 1 to decide if they will be playing interlocking games.
Each QSLL team will play a 14-game regular season schedule. Playoffs will be series’ of best of five. This year the Presidents Cup will be hosted by the Massena Muskies of the ILA and be played at the A’nowara’kó:wa Arena in Akwesasne from August 29 to September 5.
Quebec will also be hosting the 2012 Junior B Founders Cup tournament as well as the 2013 Presidents Cup. Teams interested in hosting either of these events should submit their applications to the Quebec Lacrosse Federation.
Here is a list of the Dispersal Draft:
New Kahnawake Team: Rajinder Wasson, Ryan Seymour, Ryan Jacobs, Robbie Woods, Mitchell Young, Benoit Déry.
West-End Warlocks: Krystian Seguin, Ryan Carisse, Reid Thrasher, Jeff Salmon, Andrew Meakes.
Vermont Voyageurs: Shane Davidson, Stewart McFarlane, Matthew McFarlane, Sako Swamp, Jay Seymour, Robert Collins.
Kahnawake Mohawks: Daryl Seymour, Brock Freeman, Sewentanon Skidders, Devon George, Thomas Morse.
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